Da slučajno "rožnati oktober" ne mine brez mojega roza prispevka.
Odtis je še eden izmed vseh srčkanih, ki sem jih dobila od BojaMoje, pobarvan je z akvarelnimi svinčniki. Najprej sem ga izrezala tako, da sem pustila tanek bel rob, potem pa se mi je nekako zazdelo, da bo natančno izrezana sličica boljša. Karton za podlago in osnovo je iz Lidla, spodnji roza papir je iz Ikee, zgornji s srčki pa je tapeta. Rožice so naštancane, trakci so iz domače zaloge, vse skupaj je okrašeno še z metalik roza pisalom.
So that "pink October" doesn't pass by without my pink contribution.
The stamped image is one of the cuties I got from BojaMoja, and is coloured with watercolour pencils. As I first cut it out, I left a thin white border, but then it seemed to me that an accurately cut out picture would be better. The cardstock for the circle and the base of the card is from Lidl, the lower pink paper is from Ikea and the upper one with hearts is a wallpaper. The flowers are punched out, the ribbons are from the home stash, and everything is embellished with my metallic pink pen.