09 avgust 2008

Ko IKEA sreča palčke-malčke

Ko sem danes listala IKEA katalog, so mi vzorčki na njihovih posteljinah, zavesah, preprogah in posodi bili tako sumljivo prave velikosti, da sem jih nalepila na bele podlagice za moje palčke-malčke, jih izrezala in "skomponirala" to voščilnico. Materiala imam še za nekaj voščilnic, ampak danes me je najbolj pritegnila tale črno-belo-rdeča kombinacija. Malo je retro, priznam, ampak poznam nekaj oseb, ki jim bo všeč.


I was going through the IKEA catalogue today, and the patterns on their linen, curtains, carpets and plates were all of such suspiciously right size, that I glued them on white bases for my inchies, cut them out and "assembled" this card. I've still got enough material for a few cards more, but today I was most appealed by this black-white-red combination. A bit retro, I admit, but I know some persons who are going to like it.
