Nekajkrat sem naletela na srčkane štempiljke, s katerimi se da sestaviti manjše in večje osebice, ker pa so mi zaenkrat štempiljke od Stampin' Up še nedosegljive, sem si rekla, no, pa jih pač narišimo. In sem narisala eno malo srečno družino. Za dobre želje. Najprej sem hotela narediti bolj pisano voščilnico, potem pa je prevladala rumena. Sončna.
A few times I've come across some cute stamps with which you can stamp smaller and bigger little people, but since the stamp from Stampin' Up are still out of my reach, I said, well, let's draw them. And I drew a happy little family. For good wishes. First I was going for more colours on the card, but then the yellow color prevailed. The colour of the sun.