06 avgust 2008

Malo je lahko tudi veliko

Današnja objava je prikaz tega, da lahko tudi z malo orodja in materialov naredimo veliko. Na primer: danes sem vzela eno samo štanco - veliko rožico z osmimi lističi.
Izrezala sem dvanajst rožic - vse iz istega vijoličnega papirja. Zraven sem poiskala dvanajst mojih palčkov-malčkov, po tri v vsaki barvi (svetlo rumena, svetlo oranžna, temno vijolična in svetlo vijolična, enaka kot rožice).

Pri rezanju sem malo pazila na pozicioniranje in ostal mi je karton z dvanajstimi izrezi, ki ga lahko še kdaj uporabim.

Nato sem vzela škarjice in pri štirih rožicah malo zaoblila vrhove cvetnih lističev, pri štirih pa cvetne lističe odrezala tik pod najširšim delom. Tako sem dobila tri oblike rožic.

In potem sem uporabila nekaj pisal, okraskov in domišljije in dokončala vseh dvanajst. Nalepila sem jih na kvadratke, jih razporedila na bel karton, nato pa nalepila na vijolično ozadje. In nastalo je tole:

Pa še malo komentarja o orodju, dodatkih in postopkih.

Prva vrsta:
1 - kristalček v obliki rožice
2 - okrogla bela nalepka, pikice z vijoličnim gel pisalom, cvetni lističi malo ukrivljeni navzgor - rožice sem obrnila narobe in podrgnila po cvetnih lističih z orodjem za embossing (enako dobro deluje tudi kuli, ki več ne piše)
3 - roza kristalček

Druga vrsta:
1 - z roza gel pisalom sem narisala "šive" in rožico nalepila na ozadje enake barve, da bi malo izgledalo, kot da je prišita
2 - vijolični žebljiček
3 - vijuge s tankim črnim flomastrom

Tretja vrsta:
1 - nitka, prepletena med cvetnimi lističi
2 - srebrne okrogle pikice - nalepke
3 - "šivi"

Četrta vrsta:
1 - "šivi"
2 - roza gel na sredini, nato še majhen kristalček
3 - majhen bel gumb (za srajce)

Izdelava mi je vzela več časa kot običajno, a sem uživala v vsakem trenutku.

Today's post is a demonstration that a lot can be done even with a limited amount of tools and materials. For example: I took a sigle paper punch today - the one with a large eight-petal flower.
I punched out twelve flowers - all from the same purple paper. I also looked for twelve of my inchies, three of each colour (light yellow, light orange, sark purple and light purple, same as the flowers).
While puching, I was a bit careful about positioning, so I was left with a card with twelve cut-outs which can be used later on.
Then I took little scissors and four flowers and rounded the petal tops a bit. And in four flowers, I cut off the petals below the broadest part. And what I had were three different shapes of flowers.
And then I used some pens, embellishments and imagination and finished all twelve flowers. I placed them on the little squares, I put them all on a white card and on the purple background.

And some comments on the tools, add-ons and procedures.

First line:
1 - a crystal in the shape of a flower
2 - a round white sticker, dots with a purple gel pen, petals bent upwards a bit - I turned the flowers around and rubbed the petals with the embossing tool (a biro that doesn't write anymore works just as fine)
3 - a pink crystal

Second line:
1 - I used a pink gel pen to draw "stitches" and I stuck the flower on the background of the same colour, so the it would look as if the flower was sewn on
2 - a purple brad
3 - swirls with a black thin marker

Third line:
1 - a thread threaded among the petals
2 - silver round dots - stickers
3 - "stitches"

Četrta vrsta:
1 - "stitches"
2 - pink gel pen in the centre, then a little crystal
3 - a small white button (for shirts)

The whole project took me more that it usually does, but I enjoyed every moment of it.
