Letos sem na morju dobila tole ogrlico - mogoče se bo komu zdelo čudno, ampak na nakitu se mi večinoma pojavljajo gekoni, želve, hobotnice, kače... v različnih izvedbah (steklo, kovina, plastika in seveda Fimo).
Še preden sem si jo nadela, sem vedela, da bom kot kovinski obesek uporabljala samo notranji del, samega gekončka. Zunanji del pa sem uporabila za tole:
Imela sem nekaj ostankov Fimo mase v rjavih tonih (od tod neenakomerna barva obeska), pa sem jih zgnetla, razvaljala, vtisnila šablonico, obrezala po robovih, odstranila šablono, naredila luknjico za vrvico in seveda za očke.
This year, I got this necklace when we were at the seaside - maybe some people will find it weird but there are quite a lot of geckos, turtles, octopusses, snakes on my jewellery... in various materials (glass, metal, plastic and of course Fimo).
Even before I put it on, I knew that I was only going to use the inner part as a pendulum, the gecko itself. And I used the outer part for the pendulums shown in the photo.
I took some Fimo in different brown colours (hence the uneven colour), I kned them together, rolled them out, pressed the template in, cut off at the edges, removed the template, made a hole for the string and of course two little eyes.
p.s. Juhu, 4000 obiskov!
p.s. Yippie, 4000 visits!