Že nekaj časa sem razmišljala, da bi za pozicioniranje majhnih elementov ali vzorčkov na papir nehala uporabljati ravnilo in svinčnik, in da bi si nabavila nekaj vrtnarske mreže v različnih rastrih. In danes sem to naredila. In sem si od vsake mreže odrezala primerno velik kos. / I've been thinking for quite a while now that I should quit using a ruler and a pencil for positioning of little elements and patterns on the paper, and to get me some gardeners' net in various rasters. And today I got it. And I cut an appropriate piece of each of them.
In potem sem jih dala na papir in se začela igrati. Uporabila sem jih za risanje pik, za delanje luknjic in za lepljenje nalepk in srčkov. Imam še kar nekaj idej, ampak za danes je bilo to dovolj. / Then I placed them on the paper and started playing. I used them for drawing dots, making little holes and adhering stickers and hearts. I had some more ideas, but this was enough for tonight.
In medtem ko sem pospravljala, so se mi po nesreči iz vrečke razsule male rožice. In sem hitro naredila še eno slikico z njimi (brez mreže). Spodnji del sem pustila prazen, mogoče bom še kaj dodala ali pa ga bom odrezala, še ne vem./ And while I was putting things back to where they should be, I accidentally turned one of the bags upside down and little flowers fell on the desk. And I quickly made another picture (without the nets). I left the lower half empty, maybe I'll add something to it or I'll cut it off, I don't know yet.
Saj vem, da sem malo trčena... / I'm a bit nuts, I know...