Danes vam pokažem dve Fimo ogrlici - idejo za te vesele perle sem dobila, ko sem videla podobno ogrlico, le da so bile perle steklene. Tudi s Fimo maso gre fajn, perle so bile kar hit in sem jih kar nekaj naredila, črne pa so bile v naši družini poimenovane "Google perle". Imajo pa dve pomanjkljivosti: ena je ta, da pikice postopoma čez nekaj časa ali če jih grobo podrgnemo, odpadejo, druga pa je ta, da je Fimo pretežek, da bi jih naenkrat nosila toliko, kolikor so mi všeč :)
Today I'd like to show you two of my Fimo necklaces - I got the idea for such joyful beads when I saw a similar necklace, only that the beads were made of glass. Fimo works just fine as well, the beads were quite a hit, I made quite a few of them, and the black ones were named "Google beads" by our family. But the beads have two disadvantages: first one being that the little dots fall off eventually or if they are rubbed a bit more roughly, and the other disadvantage is that Fimo is too heavy so I can't wear as many of them as I would like to :)