Danes je vse bolj na hitro - že za samo voščilnico nisem imela veliko časa, pa še objava bo danes čisto kratka. Zakaj? Ker se mi je v mojem ustvarjalnem kotičku vse že tako nakopičilo, da je bil že pravi podvig najti vse, kar bi v določenem trenutku potrebovala. In ker sem zdaj z vsem tem materialom okupirala kuhinjo in dnevno sobo. In ker moram pohiteti, da se bo dalo potem v stanovanju spet stanovati.
Everything is going a bit quicker today - I didn't really have much time for the card itself, and the post will also be quite short. Why? Because I managed to pile up so many things in my creative corner that it was an achievement to find everything I needed in a certain moment. And because I've occupied both our kitchen and our living room with all these things. And because I have to hurry so that we can use our apartment for normal living again.
p.s. Se že veselim, kako bo fajn, ko zaključim :)
p.s. I'm already looking forward to how nice it's going to be when I'm done :)