V eni od škatel sem našla vrečko majhnih steklenih kvadratnih ploščic (0,5 x 0,5 cm). Poiskala sem še bele lesene kvadratne ploščice (3 x 3 cm) in obojestranski lepilni trak.
/ I found a bag of miniature glass square tiles (0.5 x 0.5 cm) in one of my boxes. Then I went to look for some white wooden square tiles (3 x 3 cm) and a double-sided adhesive tape.
In sem začela pripravljati lesene kvadratke. Nalepiti sem jih želela na lepilni trak, ga obrezati, odstraniti zaščitno plast in nato na lepljivo podlago nalepiti kvadratke v določenem vzorčku.
/ I started to prepare the wooden tiles. I wanted to adhere them on the tape, cut them out, remove the protective layer and then place some little glass tiles in a certain pattern to the sticky base.
A preden sem uspela karkoli narediti, sta že bili dve mali "js tut, js tut" pri mizi in sta že tudi kar delali.
/ But before I managed to create anything, there were two little "me too, me too" at the table and they just started working.
In potem sem jima komaj utegnila pripravljati podlage, tako zagnano sta ustvarjali.
/ And then I had to work very fast to keep up with their creating pace.