Pred kratkim sem potrebovala poročno voščilnico in preden sem se spravila k delu, sem se odločala med različnimi idejami, pa so se mi vse zdele uporabne in sem si rekla, da bom pač naredila več voščilnic, izbrala eno in jo poslala, ostale pa uporabila kdaj pozneje. No, na koncu se je pač zgodilo tako, da sem začela s tole in je pri tej tudi ostalo. Ne morem si pomagati, ob Sarah Kay se še vedno raznežim...
A few days ago, I needed a wedding card and before I said down to make it, I was contemplating several different ideas, and they all seemed useful, so I said I would make more cards, pick one for mailing and use the rest on some other occasions. But in the end, well, I ended up with this one as the only one. I just can't help it, I've still got a soft spot as far as Sarah Kay is concerned.