Ko sem videla video navodilo za te pentlje (povezava je na koncu te objave), sem komaj čakala, da jih bom delala. In res so zelo preproste. / When I saw a video tutorial for these bows (the link is at the end of this post), I just couldn't wait to make some. And they are really very simple to make.
Za eno pentljo potrebujemo tri kose papirja velikosti 10 x 15 cm. / To make one bow, we need three pieces of paper of 10 x 15 cm.
Dva kosa razrežemo na štiri enake trakove (široke 2,5 cm), tretjemu kosu pa najprej na vrhu vodoravno odrežemo 2,5 cm širok trak in nato preostanek navpižno razrežemo na štiri enake trakove. (Na sliki se vse vidi.) Na en konec vsakega traku damo lepilo - kakršnega pač uporabljamo. Meni so daleč najbolj uporabni lepilni kvadratki za fotografije. / We cut two pieces of paper in four strips each (2.5 cm width). Then we take the third piece, cut a 2.5 cm strip horizontally at the top and then cut the rest of the paper vertically in four strips. (The photo shows it all.) We put some adhesive on one end of each strip - whatever adhesive you use. I usually use those little adhesive squares for photographs.
Nato vsak trak malo zvijemo in tik preden bi zlepili oba konca skupaj, tistega brez lepila obrnemo - glej slike. /Then we take each strip, bend it a little and just before the two ends would come together, we turn the one without the adhesive - see photos.
To naredimo z 12 trakovi, najkrajšega pa še pustimo. Zdaj potrebujemo še tri razcepke, tri lepilne blazinice in žebljiček s podlago (ali luknjač za majhne krogce - Fiskars). / We do the same with all the strips except the shortest one. Now we need three brads, three dimensionals, a drawing pin and a cushion (or a punch for little circles - Fiskars).
V trakove, ki bodo tvorili najbolj spodnjo in najbolj zgornjo plast pentlje (v mojem primeru so to modri trakovi), naredimo luknjico približno 0,5 cm od roba, in sicer tam, kjer se oba konca traku prekrivata. Pri trakovih za srednjo plast (oranžni) pa naj bo luknjica oddaljena od roba 1 cm - glej sliko. / We take the strips that will make the bottom and the top layer of the bow (in my case, the blue ones) and make a little hole 0.5 cm from the point where both ends come together. In case of the strips for the middle layer (orange ones), the hole should be 1 cm away from the egde - see photo.
Ko so luknjice narejene, po štiri trakove, ki spadajo skupaj, združimo z razcepkami (lahko bi jih tudi zlepili, ampak razcepke še dajo malo možnosti za premeščanje). / When the holes are made, we take four strips that go together and join them with a brad (we could glue them together as well, but the brads give us some possibility for rearranging).
Zadnji, najkrajši trakec, zvijemo v krog in zlepimo. Na vsako razcepko damo eno lepilno blazinico. / We take the last (the shortest) strip, bend it into a circle and glue the ends together. We put a dimensional on each brad.
Plasti naložimo eno na drugo, malo pritisnemo na sredini, dodamo še krogec (ki ga seveda lahko okrasimo ali celo naredimo iz drugega papirja) - voila! / We stack the layers, press a bit in the center, add the circle (which can also be decorated or even made of some other paper) - voila!
Malo sem se še igrala... Roza in bela pentlja je iz mehkejšega papirja (darilni papir , IKEA), vesela pa je iz darilnega traku (tudi IKEA). Ker je darilni trak ožji (2 cm), sem malo prilagodila mere: uporabila sem osem trakov po 12 cm, 4 trakove po 10 cm in najkrajši je bil dolg 8 cm. / I played a bit more... The pink and white bow is made of some sifter paper (gift wrapping paper, IKEA), and the merry one is made of ribbon (also IKEA). Since the ribbon is a bit narrower (2 cm), I adjusted the length of the strips: I used 8 strips of 12 cm, 4 strips of 10 cm and the shortest was 8 cm long.
In še obljubljena povezava / And the promised link
P.S.: Juhuhu, 6000 obiskov!
P.S.: Yippie, 6000 visits!