V krogih izdelovalcev voščilnic in spominskih albumov je že ustaljena praksa, da nekdo objavi "izziv" (okvirna postavitev elementov, določen motiv, barve...) in potem drugi ustvarjajo po teh smernicah in potem objavijo svoje izdelke.
/ In card makers' and scrapbookers' circles there has been a custom that someone posts a "challenge" (approximate rules for a layout, a certain motive, specific colours...) and then other people create according to these guidelines and show their creations.
Jaz sem se danes prvič lotila česa takega, in sicer sem se odločila, da bom sodelovala v "Barvnem navdihu 19" ene super kreativne punce, Kristine Werner.
/ Today it's my first time for something like this; I decided to participate in the "Color Inspiration 19" posted by one super creative girl, Kristina Werner.
Pri svojih izzivih izbere barvne kombinacije, na katere naleti pri stvareh, ki so ji všeč. In nato med prispelimi voščilnicami izbere 10 po svoji izbiri in 10 naključnih in jih vse objavi na svojem blogu.
/ In her challenges, he chooses colour combinations she finds in things she likes. And of all the cards she gets, she then picks 10 of her choice and 10 at random and posts them all on the blog.
No, takole. To je izziv (pretežno črna in bela, nekoliko sive in čisto malo ene barve po lastni izbiri):
/ Well, here goes. This is the challenge (mostly black and white, some grey and a little bit of fourth colour of our choice):

In to je moja voščilnica. Zanjo sem uporabila črno-bel prtiček (ki sem ga ravno danes prejela po pošti - soncek, hvala!), bel in siv trakec, rumene kristalčke, dva vogalčka Karen Marie in računalniško oblikovan napis, tokrat v angleščini.
/ And this is my card. In making it, I used a black and white paper napkin (which I got mailed in precisely today - soncek, thanks!), a white and grey ribbon, yellow crystals, two Karen Marie corners and a computer designed saying - this time in English.
Pa še malo bolj od blizu:
/And a bit of a close-up:
P.S.: Juhuhu, 5000 obiskov!
P.S.: Yippie, 5000 visits!